Thursday, 22 January 2009

Nothing to interesting to report

Last night I got home from work, go changed into my house servant clothes and go stuck in. First of all, I made 'M' a delicious meal, I then tucked her up on the sofa in a fleece blanket and assumed my usual position on the floor next to her so I could stroke and lightly massage her feet. She was very tired and soon fell asleep as she was so relaxed. As she looked so comfortable, I left her there whilst I washed up and tidied the kitchen. After that, I took her up to bed. It makes me so happy to pamper her, I can't wait to get home each night and do it all over again.

I am feeling like I need to be milked soon though, so I may need to attend to that tonight or tomorrow.

'D' x

1 comment:

  1. I don't think my own blog will get quite so personal, so I shall follow yours with interest...
